Utility case study

Forecast power market prices.


The energy transition brings a large deployment of photovoltaic and wind turbines. The intermittence of their power production increases the volatility in the short-term power markets.

With greater volatility, greater risk but more market opportunities. Portfolio managers and traders need reliable data and predictions to take optimal decisions to transform those opportunities into revenue instead of losses.



The Predictive Layer Solution: Genius Balancer provides our customers with accurate and reliable markets insights for their short-term trading activities. Our forecasts span from day-ahead auctions, intraday markets down to balancing prices. They can be used to optimize the portfolio and reduce risk exposure already in the day-ahead auction against coming bullish or bearish situations and not wait for the market reaction to a shortage or an excess of electricity.

Some benefits of Predictive Layer’s AI-based solutions are:

  • Increased the portfolio’s diversity.
  • Access to external trading strategies to benchmark in-house performance.
  • Act in the market 24/7 without the need to have a 24/7 desk.
  • Minimize the development costs of new trading strategies.

Predictive Layer’s solutions are developed with Genius Balancer and allow our customer to catch from 15% up to 30% of intraday market value.

Trusted by leading global brands

Schneider Electric
Arcelor Mittal
General Electric