3 steps to transform your customer experience with IA-fueled insights

June 13, 2023 • PDF - 15 pages - 2023 - English

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Introduction or excerpt from the white paper

“Customer service and support operations are currently in a state of flux. Consumers hold the reins: they decide how companies should connect and engage with their customers. The rise of online, digital and social channels is forcing companies to step back and rethink their business models in terms of people, processes and technology. The voice-based approach to customer service is becoming obsolete as many customers now exchange information via digital channels. To best serve these new profiles, you need a new approach.”

In this ebook, you will find:

  • Survey results reveal how marketers approach email accessibility
  • Areas for improvement
  • Information on subscriber preferences
  • Accessibility tips and best practices for email developers and designers
  • How to launch an email campaign with accessibility in mind