Genius Forecaster

AI forecasting tool (demand, volume, price, cash flow)

Genius Forecaster

Trusted by leading global brands

Shneider Electric
Arcelor Mittal
General Electric

Introducing the Predictive Layer Genius Forecaster Solution

Boost your enterprise’s efficiency with our cutting-edge Genius Forecaster, a solution that anticipates volume, demand, cost, and price, empowering you to fine-tune your processes and elevate your operational effectiveness.

Our platform takes a modular approach uniquely tailored to time series. Forecasting horizons ranging from 1 day to 3 years, ensuring that each element of your strategic planning is enhanced with precision forecasting.

Genius Forecaster
Our insight

Our insights

Recognizing that every organization has a wealth of internal expertise, our system integrates the collective knowledge of your company’s experts and assimilates all exogenous factors crawled online. This ensures that our forecasts are not just data-driven but also consider the unique subtleties of your business and the broader industry landscape.

Genius Forecaster’s strength lies in its ability to process massive data sets and forecast hundreds of thousands of points in a minimal computation time. Our solution is engineered to perform optimally, delivering comprehensive and reliable forecasts rapidly, without the need for heavy computational resources.

With Predictive Layer’s Genius Forecaster solution, stay ahead of the curve by turning vast amounts of data into actionable insights, optimize your planning, and drive your business towards unprecedented growth. Take the guesswork out of future planning and let data and expert knowledge, combined with our advanced forecasting capabilities, be the architect of your success.

Some use cases

  • Retail : Predictive Inventory and Activity
  • Manufacturing : Process Optimization
  • MedTech : financial planning optimization
  • Travel : Airport Passenger flow prediction
Use cases